Thursday, November 29, 2007

Our Knattleikr Videos

Our regular readers may have noticed that I removed the video feed on the sidebar. I did so because that sidebar is an auto feed from Youtube that will show Knattleikr videos from other groups so, I embedded some of our videos in a blog post.


Next Knattleikr Bout Date and Location - Jan 27th - Oakham, MA

It is my pleasure to announce our next date and location for a Knattleikr bout. We will be engaging in glorious battle on January 27th in Oakham, MA. We will shoot for a 12 noon start time.

If the weather cooperates and we get a substantial cold snap in the weeks and days leading up to the event we will likely play on an iced lake (this will depend on ice thickness, we need at least6 inches or so to do this with any amount of safety). Otherwise, we will play on a frozen field, which will still be awesome.

Make sure to bring lots of layers and maybe even a change of clothes to change into when we are done (whiskey may also be advisable). Please feel free to bring friends, family, or whoever to play. As always, if this would be your first time, you are welcome.

Pay attention to the blog (and feel free to leave comments) for more updates, news, an general ramblings. Feel free to contact any of the blog administrators if you know them, if not, please feel free to contact me (mcolpitts@gmail).

See you in Oakham. Knattleikr!
